One of the areas I have enjoyed spending my time over the past 18 months is consulting and helping a variety of businesses to grow their online revenue.

The online space can be overwhelming and intimidating to those who are new to it or who just don’t have the time to focus on it and the fast moving space at which it develops.

And it has been fantastic to be able to work with business owners, and from my own experience show them how they can grow revenue in this busy online space.

And today I wanted to share a few common areas that hopefully will also be of use to you in your business.

1) Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. I am a huge fan of email marketing. It has come such a long way over the past few years and the level of sophisticated automation and segmentation that is now available is game changing for any business and if you are not digging into this area – make this a focus for 2024.

2) UGC. I can’t love user generated content enough. I have been a fan since I started The Healthy Mummy back in 2010 and to me UGC is common sense in marketing. People don’t want to be sold to. They don’t want to see corporate ads. And on social media they want to see real images and stories and this is where UGC comes into its own. Authenticity is the name of the game and good UGC can transform your CPA, ROI and the profitability of your business.

3) Social media & social media advertising. I always have believed that if you can win on social you will win in business and I have immersed myself in this for over 14 years. Admittedly it can be hard to crack but investment in this area is well worth it as it is without doubt the biggest shop front out there – both from an organic and paid perspective.

4) Direct to consumer relationship. If you don’t have a direct relationship with the consumer – now is the time to start. A lot of brands have a heavy retail footprint and rely on the big bricks and mortar stores to sell their products. And without doubt these stores can drive volume – but your margin and profits suffer for it. You also lose any connection and relationship to the consumer and also run the risk of having your business model turned upside down if a retailer decides to d-list you or create their own home brand version of your product. 

But if you create your own online presence and brand – YOU own the relationship with the consumer and you control what happens in your business.

5) Innovate. Innovation is critical for your business. The consumer has a short attention span – more today than ever before – and you need to work hard to keep their attention. This innovation can be in a number of forms – new products, new services, new ideas, new content or even a new way of doing something you already do. I am a big believer in having regular brain storms and customer survey feedback to constantly keep your finger on the pulse on these areas.

And finally I also suggest auditing all of these areas. When running or working in a business, it is so easy to get caught up in the ‘business as usual’ work and often you don’t stop and review all the different silos of a business to see what is, or isn’t working and what opportunities, from a low hanging fruit perspective, exist.

And if you need any help on auditing areas of your business (my expertise are email marketing, organic social media, paid social media, community, subscription retention, innovation, sales, and revenue driving), then drop me a line at

P.S you can check out my first business, The Healthy Mummy here, and my second business, Healthy Active Pet here.

Thank you for reading
