Building and running a business is HARD WORK.
It is relentless.
You need to be 100% committed day in day out.
I started The Healthy Mummy business 8 years ago and for the entire 8 years and for 3 months leading up to the launch I have worked every single day on it.
- When I have been sick – I have worked on the business
- When I gave birth to both of my boys – I was still in labour working on it
- When I had no sleep after all night feeds – I still worked on it
- When I had weekends away or mini breaks – I still worked on it
- When things were going bad and I was drowning in life – I still worked on it
My 110% commitment to the customer and the business has remained unfaultered – so I understand so much how hard work running and building a business is and what it takes.
I am not advising text book advice – I am giving you my advice – that has worked for me and has helped me to grow The Healthy Mummy to a global business with 100,000’s of customers.
Here are my TOP 5 tips for making your business a success.
- Work hard. Hard work is essential for any kind of success. If you really want to build your brand, you have to be prepared to work hard. Hard work will get you places – guaranteed. So, no matter what you do, make sure that you continuously work hard and I promise you that your consistency will pay off – even if it isn’t straight away – it will happen
- Be passionate. Whatever your business is, you need to be PASSIONATE about it. Without the love for your business and what you are doing then you won’t be able to dedicate all your time to it and you will end up resenting it. For me – my business is part of my life. I feel good about creating something that is changing the life of so many mums. I feel a sense of responsibility to keep making it better. To deliver to the customers and I feel so incredibly lucky to be The Founder of something that is making such a change in the world. If you feel passion and love for what you do – it won’t feel like work!
- Embrace mistakes. Mistakes will happen. Disasters will occur. But how you deal with them, react to them –will define you and your business. I have made soooo many mistakes. So many things that have not gone my way but I have never let them take up too much of my time. I see mistakes as lessons and learnings. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. To see how you can do better next time. To learn how to not make the same mistake again. The VITALLY important point is to never become distracted. Even if you have lost money. Even if you have lost customers. Even if you have lost face. Even if your mistake has damaged your business. The FOCUS you need to stay driving your business forward is absolutely critical. If you lose focus because you end up spending weeks pouring over the details of your mistakes your business will further suffer. My advice is to accept the mistake, spend a few hours looking at what happened, learn from it then MOVE ON. Driving your business forward every single day is critical to its success.
- Work life balance. You may read this or follow me and think OMG she works all the time and has no life. But that is not true. Yes, I work tremendously hard and I am fiercely dedicated to what I do. But I do have work life balance. My family is the most important to me. I love my 2 boys and husband more than anything in the world and I operate my life around them. I make sure that I give them time. I make sure that they are not negatively impacted by what I do. I do this by getting up very early (5.00am) and going to bed late. This enables me to be around at all the important times – including school pick up and drop off and it still enables me to fit all my work on. The same goes for holidays and weekends – I am with my family all the time and I make sure I have ‘no phone/computer time’ but part of what I do means that I do still need to do work every day – including weekends and holidays – but it works for me. It works for my family and my work life balance means that what I do is sustainable and it means that I get to spend lots of time with my family and it means I don’t resent what I do. Whatever your business is – make sure you find a way to make the work life balance works for you as you only live once, your family is only young once so make sure you make your business work for you.
- Place the customer as number 1. The customer is the most important person in your business and you need to revolve everything you do around them. Invest in them. Look after them and deliver the best possible product and service to them and always look to improve it every day!
I hope you find this useful and you can follow me on my personal Instagram on @rhianbusyallen
And you can check out the AWESOME Healthy Mummy website here