I was excited last week to be interviewed by news.com.au for a piece on how I employ women and mums at The Healthy Mummy and how I make it work for both of us.

The article has run as a cover story across the Daily Telegraph, The Courrier Mail and the Brisbane Time – you can see the article below


BUSINESS founder Rhian Allen knows what it is like to combine parenthood with career ambition so she helps her own employees to do the same.

Allen, who now has two sons aged six and four, had a 12-year corporate career before becoming pregnant and deciding she needed a career change.

“I did a lot of research and realised there wasn’t really anything that existed to help mums so I sold my house, quit my job and launched The Healthy Mummy in 2010 when I was eight months’ pregnant,” she says.

The Healthy Mummy now employs about 150 people, including many women and mothers.

“They all have different hours and work times but for me it’s about offering the flexibility they need so they are happy, their kids are happy and they can still have a fulfilling job and career,” Allen says.

Allen’s office manager Andrea Koster juggles work with raising her son and daughter. She works Monday to Thursday during school hours then puts in more time at night.

“When I arrive at work, it’s pretty much head down and work because I am on a tight time schedule,” she says.

Follow me on Instagram at @rhianbusyallen

And check out The Healthy Mummy here